The Edmonton Lost & Found Pets Search is a public database of the dogs, cats and small pets currently reported as lost or found within the City of Edmonton.

We have recently added new features that enable citizens to:

Please note not all animals at ACCC are available to be viewed publicly due to other circumstances.

If you have lost or found a cat, dog, or small pet, start by using this search and post tool. Pet inquiries related to pets in ACCC care can be directed to 311.

For the best possible results, please follow these additional steps for Lost Pets in Edmonton.

*Please Note: Only animals found within the City of Edmonton may be taken to ACCC. For animals found outside of Edmonton, please contact your local municipality or the Edmonton Humane Society.

The database is updated every 20 minutes, so please check back frequently.

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We are pleased to advise that Edmonton Lost & Found Pet’s page has a new tool that enables you to extend your search. This tool enables users to view and post both lost and found animals in Edmonton and surrounding communities.